The easiest way to a successful hire is to ask for recommendations from your colleagues and friends. In this case, you quickly find and reach a great candidate who is already loyal to you. But... if you had this opportunity, you wouldn't have opened this article. Hiring sooner or later goes beyond your network, and that's when the fun begins. Let's figure out how your job (of course, better than every other) has a chance of not getting lost in a ton of sh... spam generated by recruiters every minute (and right now while you're reading this too).
Try new, instead of treading the old paths
The usual methods do not mean effective; they rather guarantee mass scale. It is worth trying new platforms to place your job. Find some HR startup in your country that is focused, for example, on local remote hiring, or choose an international platform. Such startups are created with the obvious goal of changing the hiring situation. They try to make it smart, not annoying and make life easier for both employers and employees. After all, you've probably already tried out job boards, it's worth trying out new mechanics, and at the same time, supporting quite worthy initiatives.Be seen when they study or have fun, not when they search for jobs
Every employer wants to reach the experienced professional they need, not the professional job seeker. In-demand specialists hardly have time to scroll through job boards, but they probably look into professional communities in social networks. What professional interests should your potential employee have? Find a group or channel on Facebook, Slack, Telegram, Twitter, or anywhere else that satisfies them and leave a message for him/her there.Speak instead of writing
"Write as you speak" is a frequent tip for posting jobs and writing cold messages that could touch candidates' hearts. But what if you don't write like you're talking, but you really talk to a candidate? Record a short video; you do not need anything special except the front camera. Attach it to posts on social networks or to a message to a potential candidate. It is difficult not to appreciate this approach in the world of identical mass messaging. Refer to the candidate by name if you reach out to them personally. This will show your sincere interest in them, because you made an effort to win attention, not just clicked copy-paste.This option seems strange for email communication but... who needs email communication?

Communicate natural way
To not get lost in candidates’ inbox, just don’t get in their inbox at all — that is our advice. Rather than invent an incredible subject line, personalize email this way and that, and try to stand out among the hundreds of emails in the candidate's inbox, you should completely abandon the email communication with the candidates, already having strong immunity to all these tricks. When you work together, the last place you'll be communicating is emails, right? It is much more useful to create real conditions for knowing your potential employee, as well as to show yourself up to date and be truly personalized to worthwhile candidates.Use chat, asynchronous interviews, short zoom calls — the IT industry has done everything to make you leave email alone.
Part with the candidates on a good note
A conversation with some great candidates will end with a goodbye, not an offer, for reasons on your side or because the candidate is not ready to choose your company at this moment. It is extremely important to part in a super friendly way, not with an unanswered message so that you can always write again when you need another employee. Or the candidate can do it when they decide that it is time for a change. It is still easier to write to an internet fellow than kind of a candidate with high-quality feedback will never be superfluous, a professional will always appreciate the view of a colleague from the outside, and a growing specialist can become a desirable professional and your potential employee soon. An employer brand is a thing that is slow to build, but it is essential in the long run.