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Using insights about candidates, AI generates hyper-personalized messages in seconds
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Hi Frederick,

I noticed that you have relevant skills in React, Java, JavaScript that match the requirements for our (Senior) Full Stack Engineer - Growth Engineering position.
I also saw that you attended one of the top 20 universities in Nigeria and have experience as a Software Engineer at commercetools. This makes you a successful candidate for the position.

In your summary, you mention that you care about reliability, scalability, and performance end to end. This is important to us at Miro because we have more than 35M+ users (99% of the Fortune 100). We need to make sure that our solutions are reliable, scalable, and performant.

The (Senior) Full Stack Engineer - Growth Engineering position offers a salary range of $90000-$130000. This is an opportunity to join an expansion-stage startup with established processes. You will also have the opportunity for fast career growth together with the company.

If you're interested in applying for the (Senior) Full Stack Engineer - Growth Engineering position, please click here [].
Candidate summary
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